TOP-5 Google Ads Advertising Formats: How to Choose, Adapt, and Test

When you place banner ads on the Display Network, you'll need to choose the right image size. Adjusting and optimizing your ads will help you improve your ad campaign results and manage your advertising budget effectively.
Each format has its own purpose and intended use. A single format is not the best option if you plan to host on many sites, because for each of them the creative needs to be adapted. Various ad formats are available on electronic platforms. Choosing the wrong size will limit your campaign reach. Over the past few years, the CTR of Google Ads banner advertising has almost halved (from 0.80% to 0.47% between 2019 and 2021). CTR formats are different, and you need to understand which format gets more clicks. For example, 300x250 ads receive more clicks than 728x90 or 160x600 banners.
In addition, ad-blocking services installed in users' browser settings — Adblock Plus, Brave Browser, Opera VPN, and NordVPN — can affect campaign performance. These systems have learned to track and block the most popular ad sizes (300x250 and 728x90), but may miss other options. Therefore, you need to look for an alternative with at least one click, prepare and optimize as many formats as possible.
Google Desktop Advertising Formats
Static banner advertising can be placed in 20 formats. Here are the most popular desktop ad formats that you can use in a single campaign.
Among them, Google identifies 5 main ones. If you have a limited budget, we recommend tailoring creatives for at least these five sizes. You can place them all or select several. The KPI of advertising activity will depend on it.
Banner format # 1: 300 × 250This premium banner is one of the most popular, it is used more often than others. Relatively compact, does not take up much space. The main advantage is that this type of advertising is embedded in the text, which makes it native. Users are more likely to pay attention to the advertising message, reducing the likelihood that it will just scroll. The average CTR of this format is about 0.14%.
Banner format # 2: 336 × 280The second type of advertising is a prominent banner format. Less popular than the previous one, but many publishers like to use it. It is also conveniently embedded in content. Suitable for brands that want to attract attention due to the large formats of banners. The average CTR of this format is 0.2%.
Banner format # 3: 728 × 90This horizontal format is usually displayed in a prominent place at the top of the page. If you see it elsewhere on the site, refuse to place your ads there, as another location is inappropriate. Often published on forum-style sites. Suitable for brands seeking maximum coverage at minimum cost. The average CTR of this format is 0.08%.
Banner format # 4: 300 × 600Large banner format displayed to the left or right of the content. The user has no chance of not noticing this ad. Actively stands out against the content of the web page. People react to it the most and follow the link. According to Google, now the number of impressions of this format is growing faster than others, it is becoming increasingly popular. Its average CTR is approximately 0.2%If you are hoping for banner advertising, this format can bring good results.
Banner format # 5: 320 × 100This format is used for both desktop and mobile versions. The ad is portrayed as a native banner that does not irritate or distract from the content. On mobile devices, views of this format are slightly higher than on short mobile banners.Each of these formats is sharpened for specific tasks. Google statistics show that the most effective formats for increasing coverage are 300x250 and 728x90. If your performance goal is to bring as many users as possible to the site, it is better to choose prominent banner formats, such as 300x600.